Silk Ties,
Why Women Should Consider 

Quality silk ties can say a lot about the wearers. When it comes to creating an air of power, sophistication, distinction, and style; hands down, a beautiful tie does the best job.

And when a woman wears a tie, the effect is quadrupled.

A beautiful neck piece is unexpected, but it is a welcomed alteration to a women's fashion ideals.

With the right design, a great tie can swag up her suit and can take any outfit from simple to impressive.

Even with so many tie companies that are out in the marketplace, no other company caters exclusively to the female market.... 

...until now.

So, what makes a quality tie, quality?

The materials that were used in which to make it. A nice looking tie may look great, but a quality tie, looks great, feels great, and lasts.

Ties made with silk are by far the finest and most luxurious of all ties. As with anything, not all silks are the same.

Silk is admired for its illustrious qualities and benefits. It is used as the fabric of choice in ties because it is attractive to the eye and soft and smooth to the touch.

silk ties

Not only does silk look and feel good, high quality silk:

  • Reflects light, giving a sheen that looks rich and lavish;
  • Silk has temperature regulating properties, giving it the ability to warm and cool simultaneously. It can keep you warm when you are cold and keep you cool when you are hot. This is especially important for those that are concerned with having an extra layer of fabric around their neck;
  • It is wrinkle resistant allowing you to tie it in knots and be able to maintain its shape with continuous wear;
  • Tear resistant and very resilient. A yard of silk can stretch a half of a foot and revert back to its original length allowing the use of tightly tied knots not to damage the thread;
  • Takes dyes extremely well which allows silk to be dyed in an array of vibrant colors. 

With silk, the sky is the limit.

A great silk tie can last you years with the proper care and maintenance.

There is no wonder why so many designers are attracted to this marvelous textile.

The more expensive the tie, the more detail that you should find in the design, color, weight, and the craftsmanship of the garment. And to protect and prolong these qualities, comes proper care and cleaning.

But just because a tie is expensive, doesn’t mean that it is quality. There are a lot of ties in the market that claim to be designer but are manufactured using synthetics fibers and are poorly constructed.

Some of the finest and most luxurious silk ties made today are made in Italy. Italian handmade ties are made by some of the finest craftsmen in the world. These groups of workers are highly trained, exclusively in the art of making ties by hand.

Chichi Ties will be known for unique styles and quality fabrics.

Silk will be our signature fabric of choice. We will price our designs in an affordable range without sacrificing the quality that an amazing tie deserves.

Our price ranges will vary by design.

Our designs will range from beautiful to elaborate and everything in between.

But, no matter what your style or price point, we guarantee that you won’t be disappointed by the quality…


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